from Question Information Forum: OS.Linux.Networking Posted By: zootx Deadline Date: May 06, 2000 at 10:29pm GMT+5 Price: Free BIND cache file I've noticed BIND keeps a cache of all the names that are resolved. Is there a location that this file is kept? Is this defined in named.conf? thanks! rob Answer Information Expert: utidjian Date Answered: May 04, 2000 at 11:58pm GMT+5 Score for Customer: Score for Expert: Heh... answered this recently elsewhere. bIND keeps all resolved hostnames in RAM. It is not written or read from a file. You can "dump" the contents of this list to a file with the following command: (as root) /usr/sbin/ndc dumpdb and it will dump to the file /var/named/named_dump.db which is "human readable". Where it dumps to may be configurable in /etc/named.conf. It may dump to /var/tmp/named_dump.db instead. Alternatively, you can edit /etc/named.conf to log all lookups to /var/log/messages. I have the following lines in my /etc/named.conf file: [begin file snippet] options { directory "/var/named"; }; logging { category queries { default_syslog ; }; category config { default_syslog ; }; category lame-servers { default_syslog ; }; category statistics { default_syslog ; }; category panic { default_syslog ; }; category update { default_syslog ; }; category ncache { default_syslog ; }; category db { default_syslog ; }; category security { default_syslog ; }; category os { default_syslog ; }; category insist { default_syslog ; }; category maintenance { default_syslog ; }; category load { default_syslog ; }; }; [end file snippet] The rest is just the "zone" entries. As you can see I like extensive logging. If yours is a busy DNS server be sure that the /var partition is big enough to hold some large /var/log/messages files. There are plenty of other options for debugging... see the relevent manpages and HOWTOS for ndc, named, bind, nslookup and -DU...etc...